Tirena Say’s life is an open book - this book. She is a writer whose experiences include owning a small business and being an administrator in a busy patent office. She is married and living contentedly in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she devotes her time to writing, her family and volunteer work for various charities and civic organizations.
Tirena has written an inspirational self-help/autobiography entitled seeing colors. In her self-published book, Tirena gives a blunt, honest account of her ordeal with serious challenges in her life, and how she overcame them, against all odds. For years, Tirena suffered severe depression and a chemical imbalance in her brain scrambling her thinking and emotions. Other obstacles preventing her from a joyable, fulfilling life, included: trying to earn a living with little education, substance abuse, coming to grips emotionally with her early childhood abuse and witnessing domestic violence in her home.
Tirena will talk to us about how she went about writing this book and give us important tips when it comes to self-publishing. Although much of what she has to say will pertain to whatever book you are writing and the method of publishing you have chosen to pursue.
So what does it take to write a book? When do you know it is complete and ready for print? Where do you go for its cover design? What else is involved when it comes to printing the book? How do you go about promoting the book when you are the publisher? To answer these questions and more, come out and listen to our guest speaker.
For more information about Tirena Say, visit http://www.thecreativepen.net/why.htm.